Saturday, November 20, 2010

Being a Pin Up Inspires Confidence!

Bodacious Betty gets a mention in the St. Pete Times when Emma Lovely, CJ, and Judy Pop make an appearance at the 2011 Vintage Vixens calendar launch party! 

Emma Lovely- January

Cj- May
Judy Pop- August
"Amidst the 20-somethings with their leotard-tight dresses that barely skimmed their thighs, the pinup girls stood out like snapdragons. Miss June wore a gold satin dress with a matching pillbox hat. Miss February had styled her dark hair in twin victory rolls and wore a black sleeveless wiggle dress and red leopard stilettos.
Miss August sauntered up in a long navy sailor dress with gold trim. Her pinup name was Judy Pop. But her real name was Christina Frasciello. She had glossy black hair with cropped bangs and two colorful skull tattoos on her back."

You can view the article in it's entirety here:

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